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Test class for a trigger

Hi All


Can you please help me out in writter a test class for the following Trigger. Appreciate your help in advance


trigger CaseUpadate on Opportunity (after update)
List <Case> caseList;
List <Id> oppIdList = new List <Id>();
for(Integer i=0; i<; i++)
    if ([i].StageName != Trigger.old[i].StageName && ([i].StageName == 'Closed Won' ||[i].StageName == 'Closed - Dead/Lost'))
caseList = [select Id, Opportunity_closed_won__c from Case where Opportunity__c in :oppIdList];
if (caseList.size() > 0)
    for(Case c : caseList)
        if (c.Opportunity_closed_won__c != true)
            c.Opportunity_closed_won__c = true;    
    update caseList;