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How to call a method in a custom controller passing a parameter

I have a custom contoller which displays information from 2 objects.


In the controller I list several fields from a child object in a TableBlock.


I would like to add a Delete button (or link) to the column so that a user can click to remove the record.


I have set up a method that recieves an ID and then deletes a record. However I am not certain how to call the method that I have created from the VisualForce page while passing a parameter.


if your delete is a commandbutton then you can use the action attribute to call the controller method and you can pass the parameters  also.... 

<apex:actionFunction name="ttt" action="youraction">
  <apex:param name="param" assignTo="***"/>

And you can call this actionFunction with javascript like
youraction( objectId );