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    Can SSRS be integrated with Salesforce . Do Salesforce allow to develop reports in SSRS.




Jake GmerekJake Gmerek



I use a program from the appStore call DBAmp to perform this integration.  Essentially it installs on your SQL server box and adds a linked server that represents your salesforce data.  It provides stored proceedures in a database that you create that can create a local copy of your SF data, and it can be refreshed pretty regularly.  I then use this copy to create my reports in SSRS.  The downside is that you do have to pay for DBAmp so it is not a free intregration, but i am sure that it would be possible to code something similar if you want and I am sure that there are other integration applications out there that would do the same thing for you.


DBAmp also allows direct query with SOQL against data in real time.


So instead of downloading and making local copies you can create a view on a real time select statement:


Create View NewAccounts as select *

from Openquery(salesforce,

  'Select Id,Name from Account where CreatedDate = LAST_WEEK')


Then point SSRS to the view NewAccounts and create a real time report.


I am strugling with somewhat the same problem but this time I need to display my SSRS reports inside salesforce.


Anyone have an Idea or past experience?


Thank you

Jake GmerekJake Gmerek

I have never done it, but SSRS reports are available as websites so you could iframe them into VF pages if you made the site publicly available.  Your issue would come from security, but you may be able to set up a canvas app to enable sso from SF onto your domain for authentication.  Just throwing ideas out there, I hope they help.

Thanks Jake :)
this is actually what I was trying to do for the past week...
I created the canvas app and set up the end point into the IIS inside their DMZ, this should have worked but SSRS websites cannot authenticate the Canvas App :( (!!!!)
Can I have a simple website act as a Canvas app? (don't think so...)

Bayarea 101Bayarea 101
are you able to resolve. we are also looking for same solution. any pointers?
Mezrah AdminMezrah Admin
We are using SSRS inside of an IFRAME to IIS on an webpage. Unfortunately we are having some issues usiing IE and Safari as we get an seesion has epired. Works fine in Chrome and Firefox.
Madison QuinnMadison Quinn

The ODBC Driver enables you to create a Reporting Services project based around data. 

Before you can use the ODBC Driver to connect SQL Server to, you need to configure an ODBC data source. An ODBC data source stores the connection details for the target database (e.g. and the ODBC driver that is required to connect to it (e.g. the ODBC driver). For more detailed info check out here
