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Check for duplicates and Check a checkbox
I'm new to Apex, and please advise me about Apex Trigger.
I could create a trigger for custom object to find duplicates and check a checkbox.
Below is my code. This trigger can check the checkbox of new record.
But I want to check the existing record's one.
How can i do this?
trigger CheckIsRevised on No__c (before insert, before update) { if (Trigger.isInsert) { for (No__c no :{ No__c[] nos= [select id from No__c where Ano__c = :no.Ano__c ]; if (nos.size() > 0) { no.revised_flag__c=true; } } } else if (Trigger.isUpdate) { for (No__c no : { No__c oldNo=Trigger.oldMap.get(; if (no.Ano__c != oldNo.Ano__c) { No__c[] nos= [select id from No__c where Ano__c = :no.Ano__c]; if (nos.size() > 0) { no.revised_flag__c=true; } } } } }
Thanks in advance!
You cantry this one
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You cantry this one
Thanks to your code, i could implement the trigger properly.
Thank you, Mr? Shashikant Sharma:smileyhappy:
I have gone through this trigger.
I want to avoid adding duplicate record. If user is adding a duplicate Name then message is diplayed on user interface and that particular record should not get save. The record should save only when it is not the duplicate value.
Devendra S