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Apex trigger and code coverage

I'm trying to create an Apex trigger that will prevent a record on the custom object Work Order from being deleted if a box in the object (Ready For Invoice) is checked. The trigger fires in my sandbox, but my unit tests seem to cover 0% of the trigger. I've walked through the relevant sections of the workbook on testing (Tutorials 7 and 8), but I'm having little luck. Can anyone advise?

The code is below:


trigger noDeleteReadyForInvoice on Work_Order__c (before delete)
     for (Work_Order__c q: trigger.old)
      if (q.Ready_for_Invoice__c == true)
       q.AddError('Cannot delete Work Order that is ready for invoice.');

private class noDeleteReadyForInvoice {
static testMethod void testWorkOrderTrigger(){

//First, prepare 200 work orders for the test data
Account a = new Account(Name='test account');
insert a;
Projects__c p = new Projects__c(Account__c=a.Id,Project_Name__c='test project');
insert p;

Work_Order__c[] wo = new Work_Order__c[]{
new Work_Order__c(Project__c=p.Id,Work_Order_Description__c='test description',Ready_for_Invoice__c=true)
insert wo;

//Now insert data causing a work order trigger to fire. 

update wo;




I've change "update wo" to "delete wo" in the test, but the trigger's code still doesn't seem to be covered: 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Update. The test below works. Thanks for the assistance.


This test class tests a deletion trigger.
@isTest private class noDeleteReadyForInvoice { static testMethod void testWorkOrderTrigger() { // Obtain Apex governor limits and resources for this test Test.startTest(); //Create fake parent account, project, and work order records Account a = new Account(Name='test account'); insert a; Projects__c p = new Projects__c(Account__c=a.Id,Project_Name__c='test project'); insert p; Work_Order__c wo = new Work_Order__c(Project__c=p.Id,Work_Order_Description__c='test description'); // Now save work order to database. insert wo; // Simulate check ready to invoice box and save the change wo.Ready_for_Invoice__c = true; update wo; // Now attempting to delete the record which *should* throw an exception // which we will then catch try { delete wo; } catch (System.Dmlexception e) { } // And then assert that the work order record has been deleted (null) System.assertNotEquals(wo, null); // Release governor limits and resources Test.stopTest(); } }




All Answers


Your trigger uses "before delete" only but your test is running an update, not a delete.


You need to run



delete wo;






Thanks, but the code still doesn't seem to be covered: even after I change update to delete. 


The message in the linked image points to the first line of code in the trigger. The message reads as follows:


"Multiple markers at this line:

- Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required

- File only saved locally, not to server."


When I attempt to save the file to the server, I get a message that my trigger is "dirty." That said, even after I've saved the trigger to the server, I continue to get the red cross.


The coverage window at the bottom shows 100% coverage.  I think you are good, you mught just have a dirty file.  Are you editing in both the IDE and the Salesforce UI?  That can cause issues.


Do this...


1)  In the IDE, right-click the src folder and select "Refresh from Server"

2)  Run your tests again.




Thanks, Kevin. Alas, I now get the following failure. Any notion what I've done wrong?


*** Deployment Log ***
Result: FAILED
Date: September 19, 2011 2:21:57 PM PDT

# Deployed From:
   Project name: Production

# Deployed To:

# Deploy Results:
   File Name:    package.xml
   Full Name:  package.xml
   Action:  UPDATED
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

   File Name:    triggers/noDeleteReadyForInvoice.trigger
   Full Name:  noDeleteReadyForInvoice
   Action:  UPDATED
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

# Test Results:

Run Failures:
  noDeleteReadyForInvoice.testWorkOrderTrigger System.DmlException: Delete failed. First exception on row 0 with id a09A000000J6C3kIAF; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Cannot delete Work Order that is ready for invoice.: []




ashish raiashish rai


     Use this:


private class noDeleteReadyForInvoice
    static testMethod void testWorkOrderTrigger()
    Account a = new Account(Name='test account');
    insert a;
    Projects__c p = new Projects__c(Account__c=a.Id,Project_Name__c='test project');
    insert p;
    Work_Order__c wo = new Work_Order__c(Project__c=p.Id,Work_Order_Description__c='test description',Ready_for_Invoice__c=true);   
    insert wo;
    delete wo;   


Think this will help you to cover.


Thanks, but I still get the following error.

*** Deployment Log ***
Result: FAILED
Date: September 20, 2011 7:53:58 AM PDT

# Deployed From:
   Project name: Production

# Deployed To:

# Deploy Results:
   File Name:    classes/noDeleteReadyForInvoice.cls
   Full Name:  noDeleteReadyForInvoice
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

   File Name:    package.xml
   Full Name:  package.xml
   Action:  UPDATED
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

   File Name:    triggers/noDeleteReadyForInvoice.trigger
   Full Name:  noDeleteReadyForInvoice
   Action:  UPDATED
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

# Test Results:

Run Failures:
  noDeleteReadyForInvoice.testWorkOrderTrigger System.DmlException: Delete failed. First exception on row 0 with id a09A000000JF6VxIAL; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Cannot delete Work Order that is ready for invoice.: []



Update. The test below works. Thanks for the assistance.


This test class tests a deletion trigger.
@isTest private class noDeleteReadyForInvoice { static testMethod void testWorkOrderTrigger() { // Obtain Apex governor limits and resources for this test Test.startTest(); //Create fake parent account, project, and work order records Account a = new Account(Name='test account'); insert a; Projects__c p = new Projects__c(Account__c=a.Id,Project_Name__c='test project'); insert p; Work_Order__c wo = new Work_Order__c(Project__c=p.Id,Work_Order_Description__c='test description'); // Now save work order to database. insert wo; // Simulate check ready to invoice box and save the change wo.Ready_for_Invoice__c = true; update wo; // Now attempting to delete the record which *should* throw an exception // which we will then catch try { delete wo; } catch (System.Dmlexception e) { } // And then assert that the work order record has been deleted (null) System.assertNotEquals(wo, null); // Release governor limits and resources Test.stopTest(); } }




This was selected as the best answer