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Thai HuynhThai Huynh 

FAQ__kav pagination

Does anyone know how to paginate FAQ__kav object? This is the code I have below but it kepts saying:


21:58:30.781 (781962000)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[63]|Database.getQueryLocator(LIST<SObject>)
21:58:30.782 (782011000)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[63]|Aggregations:0|SELECT Id, Title, KnowledgeArticleId FROM FAQ__kav
ApexPages.StandardSetController con = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, Title, KnowledgeArticleId FROM FAQ__kav WHERE PublishStatus = 'Online' order by LastModifiedDate desc]));
System.debug('ARTICLES: ' + con.getRecords());



Hi Thai,


It's actually a know issue that we are going to fix in a coming patchs. I do not have the date yet.


Sorry for this.