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Krishna Prasad K PKrishna Prasad K P 

Would the Start date of a Week Type "Period" be always Saturday ?

Hi guys,


I had my old FiscalyearSettings with Week Start day as "Saturday"; For testing pupose I created a new Fiscal Year Setting with Monday as Week Start day.   Even though the Week start day is "Monday" (value : 2) in that new Fiscal Year Settings record, the Week type period records have start dates with Saturday as thier week day.  But when I open the Fiscal Book date calender, it DISAPLAYS with Monday as the Week Start day... 


So does that mean that..


  1. "Week Start Day" on the Fiscal year setting page is just for "showing" the calender with that day as the start of the week and it has nothing to do with the Start date of the week type Period associated to that FY? 
  2. The Start date of the week type "Period" associated to that FY would always be "Saturdays", and is it a system standard ? 
  3. (or does it depend on our custom week start day of the very first FY)? 


I am not so clear about the above points, please help me to understand about the FY setting functionality around that... 


Thanks in advance,
