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Too Many SOQL query:101
I am using a soql query to retrieve records from Call Report.
I am able to execute this if i have less records but if i have more records that is fr about 200 Records i am getting an exception:
Too many SOQL queries: 101 .
Please help me out of this issue.
Here is my code :
trigger DisplayRltdCallRepOnAcc on Call_Report__c(after insert, after update,after delete){
List<Call_Report__c> lastcallRltdCallRepOnAcc = new List<Call_Report__c>();
String relatedToClientLastCall;
List<Account> updateAccLastCall = new List<Account>();
Set<Id> updatelastCallAccountIds = new set<Id>();
List<Call_Report__c> nextCallRltdCallRepOnAcc = new List<Call_Report__c>();
List<Account> accsToUpdateNextCall = new List<Account>();
String relatedToClientNextCall;
List<Account> updateAccNextCall = new List<Account>();
Set<Id> updateNextCallAccountIds = new set<Id>();
List<Call_Report__c> rltdToClientIds = new List<Call_Report__c>();
if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate){
System.debug('Trigger.New values:::::: ';
rltdToClientIds =;
}else if(trigger.isDelete){
// Note -- there is no in delete
rltdToClientIds = trigger.old;
System.debug('Related to Client IDS '+ rltdToClientIds.size());
for(Call_Report__c calldates : rltdToClientIds){
if(calldates.Related_to_Client__c != null){
lastcallRltdCallRepOnAcc = [Select Call_Date__c,Related_to_Client__c From Call_Report__c c where Status__c='Complete'
and c.Type__c not in ('Attempt','Email') and Call_Date__c <= TODAY
and Related_to_Client__c!=null and
Related_to_Client__c =:calldates.Related_to_Client__c order by Call_Date__c desc];
relatedToClientLastCall = calldates.Related_to_Client__c;
if(lastcallRltdCallRepOnAcc.size() > 0){
System.debug('Last Call Date '+lastcallRltdCallRepOnAcc[0].Call_Date__c);
Account acc = new Account(Id = lastcallRltdCallRepOnAcc[0].Related_to_Client__c,Last_Call_Date__c = lastcallRltdCallRepOnAcc[0].Call_Date__c);
if(relatedToClientLastCall != null){
Account acc = new Account(Id = relatedToClientLastCall, Last_Call_Date__c = null);
Thanks in advance,
Don't fire a query within a loop. More records Call_Report__c will have, more times query will execute.
All Answers
Don't fire a query within a loop. More records Call_Report__c will have, more times query will execute.
Please remove the SOQL query from the FOR loop and make use of Collections to hold the list of records.
Yes, I did the same.
Now its working fine.
Thank you :)