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Single Email Message with Template - Missing targetObjectId



I'm trying to send an email via apex using an email template.


The problem I'm coming across is that apparently I need to set the targetObjectId, even though I'm setting the toAddresses (and the documentation states that it only requires one of these to be populated).


Here's the code:


public static void bypassEmail(String email, String offerId) {

Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

EmailTemplate et = [Select Id from EmailTemplate where Name = 'Bypass / Delegated Approval'];



mail.setToaddresses(new String[] {email});

Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });


I can't set a targetObjectId as it needs to be sent to an address held in a custom field. Does anyone know a way to make this work or am I going to have to do a replace on the template Body to turn the merge fields into the values?






This is kind of unfortunate, but what I've done in the past is create a contact with the email in the standard email address field, insert it, then delete it after.


Adds a lot of DML statements to your code, but it was only way I could find as email templates only work with a few standard objects.


I'll look into the documentation issue where we say only one is required.  It sounds like we could add some doc around that.


here is solution