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Insert Records on a Custom Object

Hello - I am trying to add to my current apex trigger that automaticlly adds a line item to a custom object based on the product family.


I need to add in here that if the product quantity = 10 then we add 10 line items insted of one...


Any help would be appriciated



trigger trg_new_ResumeSubscription on Opportunity (after update)
   List<Opportunity> closedWonOpps=new List<Opportunity>();

   for (Opportunity opp :
       Opportunity oldOpp=trigger.oldMap.get(;
       if ( (opp.StageName=='Closed Won') &&
            (oldOpp.StageName!='Closed Won') )
   if (!closedWonOpps.isEmpty())
List<OpportunityLineItem> olis = [SELECT ID, OpportunityId, Subscription_Term1__c, UnitPrice, 
        Product_Name__c,Closed_Won_Date__c, Daily_View_Limit1__c, Views_Purchased1__c FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Product_Family__c = 'Resume Search' and
              OpportunityId in :closedWonOpps];

      List<Resume_Subscriptions__c> rsToInsert=new List<Resume_Subscriptions__c>();
      for (OpportunityLineItem oli : olis)
 Resume_Subscriptions__c newRS= new Resume_Subscriptions__c();
         newRS.Views_Purchased3__c = oli.Views_Purchased1__c;
         newRS.Subscription_Term3__c = oli.Subscription_Term1__c;
         newRS.Price__c = oli.UnitPrice;
         newRS.Product_Name__c = oli.Product_Name__c ;
         newRS.Opportunity__c = oli.Opportunityid;
         newRS.Purchase_Date2__c = oli.Closed_Won_Date__c;
         newRS.Daily_View_Limit3__c = oli.Daily_View_Limit1__c;

      insert rsToInsert;


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Jake GmerekJake Gmerek

I am assuming that you want to add a number of Resume_Subscriptions__c equal to the quantity field on the OpportunityLineItem object.  Here is the code for that:


trigger trg_new_ResumeSubscription on Opportunity (after update)
   List<Opportunity> closedWonOpps=new List<Opportunity>();

   for (Opportunity opp :
       Opportunity oldOpp=trigger.oldMap.get(;
       if ( (opp.StageName=='Closed Won') &&
            (oldOpp.StageName!='Closed Won') )
   if (!closedWonOpps.isEmpty())
	List<OpportunityLineItem> olis = [SELECT ID, OpportunityId, Subscription_Term1__c, UnitPrice, 
        Product_Name__c,Closed_Won_Date__c, Daily_View_Limit1__c, Views_Purchased1__c, Quantity FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Product_Family__c = 'Resume Search' and
        OpportunityId in :closedWonOpps];

	List<Resume_Subscriptions__c> rsToInsert=new List<Resume_Subscriptions__c>();
   for (OpportunityLineItem oli : olis)
	For (integer i = 0; i < oli.Quantity; i++){
   		Resume_Subscriptions__c newRS= new Resume_Subscriptions__c();
        	newRS.Views_Purchased3__c = oli.Views_Purchased1__c;
        	newRS.Subscription_Term3__c = oli.Subscription_Term1__c;
        	newRS.Price__c = oli.UnitPrice;
        	newRS.Product_Name__c = oli.Product_Name__c ;
        	newRS.Opportunity__c = oli.Opportunityid;
        	newRS.Purchase_Date2__c = oli.Closed_Won_Date__c;
        	newRS.Daily_View_Limit3__c = oli.Daily_View_Limit1__c;

    insert rsToInsert;

 If I have not made the correct assumptions, let me know what you really want and I will try to help.


Hope this helps.

All Answers

Jake GmerekJake Gmerek

I am assuming that you want to add a number of Resume_Subscriptions__c equal to the quantity field on the OpportunityLineItem object.  Here is the code for that:


trigger trg_new_ResumeSubscription on Opportunity (after update)
   List<Opportunity> closedWonOpps=new List<Opportunity>();

   for (Opportunity opp :
       Opportunity oldOpp=trigger.oldMap.get(;
       if ( (opp.StageName=='Closed Won') &&
            (oldOpp.StageName!='Closed Won') )
   if (!closedWonOpps.isEmpty())
	List<OpportunityLineItem> olis = [SELECT ID, OpportunityId, Subscription_Term1__c, UnitPrice, 
        Product_Name__c,Closed_Won_Date__c, Daily_View_Limit1__c, Views_Purchased1__c, Quantity FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Product_Family__c = 'Resume Search' and
        OpportunityId in :closedWonOpps];

	List<Resume_Subscriptions__c> rsToInsert=new List<Resume_Subscriptions__c>();
   for (OpportunityLineItem oli : olis)
	For (integer i = 0; i < oli.Quantity; i++){
   		Resume_Subscriptions__c newRS= new Resume_Subscriptions__c();
        	newRS.Views_Purchased3__c = oli.Views_Purchased1__c;
        	newRS.Subscription_Term3__c = oli.Subscription_Term1__c;
        	newRS.Price__c = oli.UnitPrice;
        	newRS.Product_Name__c = oli.Product_Name__c ;
        	newRS.Opportunity__c = oli.Opportunityid;
        	newRS.Purchase_Date2__c = oli.Closed_Won_Date__c;
        	newRS.Daily_View_Limit3__c = oli.Daily_View_Limit1__c;

    insert rsToInsert;

 If I have not made the correct assumptions, let me know what you really want and I will try to help.


Hope this helps.

This was selected as the best answer

That worked!!


Thank you sooo much for your help!

Jake GmerekJake Gmerek

No problem!




I am trying to insert the opportunity line items to a custom object and i succeeded, but i had a new requirement. I need to be able to filter only line items based from a vendor i will select. I need help for a visualforce code that can do filtering.Does anyone had the same requirement?


Any help would be appriciated.



Jake GmerekJake Gmerek

I used this blog post the first time that I had this requirement and it helped me alot.  Check it out: