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test case help

this is the clas i have written some one help me how to write the test case

public with sharing class files1 


    public files1() {
s1=new file__c();
 s2=new file__c();
 s3=new file__c();
 s4=new file__c();
 s4=new file__c();
 s5=new file__c();

 public files1(ApexPages.StandardController controller) 
 public file__c s1 {get; set;}
 public file__c s2 {get; set;}
 public file__c s3 {get; set;}
 public file__c s4 {get; set;}
 public file__c s5 {get; set;}
 public PageReference saveall() {
 insert s1;
 insert s2;
 insert s3;
 insert s4;
 insert s5;
        return null;


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



You can try below code


Use this public with sharing class files1
public files1()
s1=new file__c();
s2=new file__c();
s3=new file__c();
s4=new file__c();
s4=new file__c();
s5=new file__c();
public files1(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

public file__c s1 {get; set;}
public file__c s2{get; set;}
public file__c s3{get; set;}
public file__c s4{get; set;}
public file__c s5{get; set;}
public PageReference saveall()
insert s1;
insert s2;
insert s3;
insert s4;
insert s5;
return null;
static testMethod void myTest()
files1 f=new files1();



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You can try below code


Use this public with sharing class files1
public files1()
s1=new file__c();
s2=new file__c();
s3=new file__c();
s4=new file__c();
s4=new file__c();
s5=new file__c();
public files1(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

public file__c s1 {get; set;}
public file__c s2{get; set;}
public file__c s3{get; set;}
public file__c s4{get; set;}
public file__c s5{get; set;}
public PageReference saveall()
insert s1;
insert s2;
insert s3;
insert s4;
insert s5;
return null;
static testMethod void myTest()
files1 f=new files1();



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This was selected as the best answer

great help u rock jain