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Need help creating a Map

I am seeking to develop a Map which can hold selected values from a user on a viusal force page


I have three variables in context:


1) Service_Area__c - SObject

2) Postal Code - String

3) Product2 - SObject


Each Service Area selection has a Postal Code and each Service Area/Postal Code combination has multiple Product selections.


My logic is to combine Service_Area__c and Postal Code in one virtual object called eServiceArea.


I am attempting to create a map like the following:


Map<eServiceArea, List<Product2>> Map_ServiceAreaList_ServiceTasksList = new Map<eServiceArea, List<Product2>>();


Using some code I found in a wrapper class, assuming its relevant:

public class eServiceArea {
        public Service_Area__c SA {get; set;}
        public string PostalZipCode {get; set;}

        public eServiceArea (Service_Area__c eSA, String ePostalZipCode) {
            SA = eSA;
            PostalZipCode = ePostalZipCode;

 The map will not allow me to save with eServiceArea.  I am not sure if creating a eServiceArea Class is what I need, please provide some direction.






I want to make sure I understand this correctly:

1) There is a 1 to 1 relationship between Service_Area__c and Postal Code.

2) There is a 1 to many relationship between Service_Area__c and Product2.


Assume I've got that right, I woudl recommend a class like this:


public class eServiceArea {
        public Service_Area__c SA {get; set;}
        public string PostalZipCode {get; set;}
	public List<Product2> Products { get; set;} 

        public eServiceArea (Service_Area__c eSA, String ePostalZipCode) {
            SA = eSA;
            PostalZipCode = ePostalZipCode;
	    Products = <get your list of products however you want>


Depending on how you need to access the data, you could use a list of eServiceArea objects, or a map based on Service_Area__c.Id or PostalZipCode. Examples are below:

List<eServiceArea> myList = new List<eServiceArea>();
Map<Id,eServiceArea> myMapById = new Map<Id,eServiceArea>();
Map<String,eServiceArea> myMapByPostalCode = new Map<String,eServiceArea>();