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string updateOpp(string oId, string fieldName, string fieldValue) {} - Is this possible?

Hi team,


I am trying to figure it out if this is possible?


WebService static string updateOpportunity(string oppId, string fieldName, string fieldValue)
            	integer i = Database.countQuery('select count() from Opportunity where Id = :oppId');
            	if (i > 0) {
	        Opportunity o = [select :fieldName from Opportunity where Id = :oppId limit 1];
	        	o.fieldName = fieldValue;
	        	update o;
	        	return 'OK';
           	catch (DmlException e) {                       
           		return string.valueof(e); 


someone gets the idea... is this possible?


please post or sms me.


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

You can do by following :-


o.put(fieldName, fieldValue);

All Answers


Try changing below line of code :-

Opportunity o = Database.query('select '+fieldName+' from Opportunity where Id = :oppId ');
Ok... And what about accessing later the fieldName to assign the fieldValue?

Can I use?

o.fieldName = fieldValue;

What you think?

You can do by following :-


o.put(fieldName, fieldValue);

This was selected as the best answer

cool! I will test it right away...




happy code :)