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Need help! Apex code to count Activities for Lead record
Please forgive me for absolute newbishness. Only have done couple of Visualforce pages for e-mail templates and some validation rules. Now I need to get this trigger done.
I need to have a custom field in Leads that has a count of Activities in Activity History. Usually I would do that with roll-up field, but it is not available in leads.
I found a trigger in these forums:
trigger Activity_count on Task (after insert, after update) { List<Lead> uplist=new List<Lead>(); List<Lead> lelist=[select id,Activity_count__c from Lead]; List<AggregateResult> st=new List<AggregateResult>(); st=[select count(Id),whoid from task where and status='Completed' group by whoid]; for(Integer i=0;i<st.size();i++) { for(Lead l:lelist) { if([i].get('whoid')) { l.Activity_count__c=(Integer)st[i].get('expr0')+l.Activity_count__c; uplist.add(l); } } } update uplist; }
But problem is that I get following error:
Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 0%, at least 75% test coverage is required.
Could you help me out?
You have to write a test class to test your code before you can deploy it.
All Answers
You have to write a test class to test your code before you can deploy it.
Shoot... ok this basicly puts a nail in the coffin. I don't know how to do it and I have no money to spend on this problem.