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Date Range Help - Controller Extension

I am attempting to produce a custom VFpage that lists only opportunities within the next year.  I'm building an extension to return list views but within my filter criteria.

My issue lies with "And inputdate__c < ??? Today + 365", as seen below from the extension.

I'd rather not create a custom field for Now()+365....



public List<Opportunity> getOpptySum() {
        return [select name,closedate,account_id__c,inputdate__c,stagename,isclosed
         from Opportunity WHERE account_id__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') 
                             AND isclosed <> true
                             AND inputdate__c < ??? TODAY + 365 Days
                             ORDER BY inputdate__c ASC 
                             LIMIT 50 ]; 




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Is this not working  as below ?


public List<Opportunity> getOpptySum() {

Date onlyDate =;
        return [select name,closedate,account_id__c,inputdate__c,stagename,isclosed
         from Opportunity WHERE account_id__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') 
                             AND isclosed <> true
                             AND inputdate__c > onlyDate.addDays(-365)
                             ORDER BY inputdate__c ASC 
                             LIMIT 50 ]; 


All Answers


Is this not working  as below ?


public List<Opportunity> getOpptySum() {

Date onlyDate =;
        return [select name,closedate,account_id__c,inputdate__c,stagename,isclosed
         from Opportunity WHERE account_id__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') 
                             AND isclosed <> true
                             AND inputdate__c > onlyDate.addDays(-365)
                             ORDER BY inputdate__c ASC 
                             LIMIT 50 ]; 


This was selected as the best answer

I received

Compile Error: unexpected token: 'onlyDate.addDays'


So I added : before onlydate.addDays



worked great!  Thanks!


Can anybody tell me what the proper terminology for ":" is?  Why is it needed and what does it do?




Sorry I missed that ":".


":" is used to specify if we are using a variable in the SOQL .