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get casecomments from case

I can't figure out why this isn't triggering when i have it run against a case that has comments.


usually i'd expect it to throw an error. but the lack of error shows that it isn't even entering the for loop


for (Case{
   // escalatedcase.addError(escalatedcase.CaseComments);
                                        for(CaseComment oldcomment :  escalatedcase.CaseComments) {
                                      CaseComment newcomment = oldcomment.clone(false, true);
                                      //newcomment.ParentId = CaseAdd.Id;
                                       escalatedcase.addError('Please choose a Tier 2 Escalation Level to direct escalation.'); //in your face!


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Data for related records (CaseComments) is not automatically available in a trigger on the parent object (Case).  You need to retrieve the related records with a SOQL query in order to work with them in the trigger.

All Answers


Is it a after update /before update trigger on the Case ? and did you check whether the case comment is being captured at this point ?




trigger EscalateCase on Case (before update, before insert) {

 I could give you all of the code but i dont want to start confusing you. there's a lot of code.


here's a screenshot of the case that i am using to debug:



Data for related records (CaseComments) is not automatically available in a trigger on the parent object (Case).  You need to retrieve the related records with a SOQL query in order to work with them in the trigger.

This was selected as the best answer