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Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<QuoteLineItem>
I am writing a trigger on update but i get this error
Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<QuoteLineItem>.
I am not sure what is causing this. Here is my code
trigger Update_Discount_on_QuoteLineItem on Quote (after update) { List <QuoteLineItem> QLI = new List <QuoteLineItem>(); Map<id,double> MapSoftwareDiscount= new Map <id,double>(); Map<id,double> MapHardwareDiscount= new Map <id,double>(); Set <id> Qid= new Set<id>(); for (Quote Q: { if (Q.Software_Discount__c!=System.Trigger.oldMap.get(Q.Id).Software_Discount__c ||Q.hardware_Discount__c!=System.Trigger.oldMap.get(Q.Id).hardware_Discount__c ) { Qid.add(; MapSoftwareDiscount.put(,Q.Software_Discount__c); MapHardwareDiscount.put(,Q.hardware_Discount__c); } } QLI=[select id,QuoteId,product_category__c,Discount from QuoteLineItem where QuoteId in :Qid]; for(integer i=0; i <QLI.size();i++) { if (QLI[i].product_category__c=='Software') { QLI[i].Discount=MapSoftwareDiscount.get(QLI.QuoteId); //ERRORS OUT HERE } else if(QLI[i].product_category__c=='Hardware') { QLI[i].Discount=MapHardwareDiscount.get(QLI.QuoteId); } } update QLI; }
Any ideas what is causing this
Ok i got what the issue was.
I didnt include the [i] in the get (QLI[i].QuoteId