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sending email from trigger on a custom object
I want to send email when a field is updated in a custom object. so i have a trigger written. i also created a email template.
I find that the targetobjectid is a required field while sending an email. Its erroring out where i am setting targeto
bject .Id. It says Save error: Variable does not exist:
Any ideas what am i doing wrong
trigger change_action on Ticket__c (after update) { //List<user>Lstuser= new List<user>(); List<id> lstid=new List<id>(); List<string> lstemail= new List<string>(); Map<id,string> Mapemail = new Map<id,string>(); for(ticket__c { if(trigger.isUpdate) { if(t.Actions__c!=System.Trigger.oldMap.get(t.Id).Actions__c) { lstemail.clear(); lstemail.add(t.Initiator_Email__c); lstemail.add(t.Admin_email__c); for(User Lstuser:[select id, email,username from user where email in :lstemail]); { List<EmailTemplate> emailtemplatelist = new List<EmailTemplate>(); emailtemplatelist=[select id, name from EmailTemplate where name='Update on ticket']; if (emailtemplatelist.size()>0) { //emailtemplatelist[0] Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.toAddresses = new string[]{t.Initiator_Email__c,t.Admin_email__c}; //mail.setToAddresses(t.Initiator_Email__c); mail.setTemplateId(emailtemplatelist[0].id);
/**************************Its THROWING ERROR ON BELOW LINE **********************************/ mail.TargetObjectId(;//ERROR ON THIS LINE Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } } } } }
The correct method is Mail.setTargetObjectID()
Why are you not using workflow????
Can i have a workflow which will fire when a field is updated? I mean any update, there is nothing that i can check it against. The field is a text field so users can enter anything. Is there a way to check if the field changed.
In the Rule criteria you see two values-
1-Criteria are met
2-Formula Evaluates to true.
use 2nd option along with function ISCHANGED(field) and then define your action.