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Eclipse IDE Apex Class templates

When usiing the Eclipse IDE plugin, and you do 'New Apex Class", you can choose from three templates:


  • Default
  • Test_Class
  • Inbound_Email_Service


How do I add to this list with my own templates?  There is no templates option in Eclipse 3.6 Window | Preferences |<search on template> within the section


I can see that the aforementioned templates live in this path on my (Windows XP) machine:

C:\eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\812\1\.cp\templates ..


and I can add a template in that folder and it will appear as a choice -- yet this doesn't seem like the right way to do this


Using IDE  version 20

Anup JadhavAnup Jadhav
I believe you can do this using the Tooling API. See Josh Kaplans blog post on this.