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INVALID_SESSION_ID: webService call from salesforce TO salesforce

Hi, i implemented a batch job which makes a webservice call within the same salesforce instance, which then is supposed to send emails with a pds attachment, since you cannot send pdf attachments directly from a batch job. My webservice call looks like this: public static void callOut(List ids){ InvoiceAttachmentConnector.InvoiceAttachmentService ws = new InvoiceAttachmentConnector.InvoiceAttachmentService(); ws.SessionHeader = new InvoiceAttachmentConnector.SessionHeader_element(); ws.SessionHeader.sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId(); ws.handleInvoicePdfAttachment(ids); } However in batch jobs UserInfo.getSessionId() returns null. How can i log in to get a SessionId? So far I found no solution for sf to sf. If u can help I would appreciate it! Thanks!
Sorry salesforce messed up my formatting... :( I can't even edit my post. Here is the formatted code: Still hope for some help! Thank you!