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Creating a pickList with a list of data from the database.



I want to create a picklist with the data from the database. How can i create it?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Apex Controller method

    public List<SelectOption> getCountrySelectOptions() {
		List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
		options.add(new SelectOption('', ''));
		List<Country__c> countries = [Select Code,Name From Country];
		for(Country__c country : countries) {
			String code = country.Code;
			String name = country.Name;
			options.add(new SelectOption(code, name);
		return options;

 VF Page

		<apex:selectList value="{!selectedCountry}" size="1">
		<apex:selectOptions value="{!countryOptions}"/>

 selectedCountry is a property of controller and countryOptions is above method in controller.

All Answers


Poor description!!!:mansad:


Can you please elaborate in depth, what you exactly want?


Simply, we can create a picklist through a field which its type is Picklist. And there we can define the list of values. But what i want is to get this list from the databse and display in the picklist.


Apex Controller method

    public List<SelectOption> getCountrySelectOptions() {
		List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
		options.add(new SelectOption('', ''));
		List<Country__c> countries = [Select Code,Name From Country];
		for(Country__c country : countries) {
			String code = country.Code;
			String name = country.Name;
			options.add(new SelectOption(code, name);
		return options;

 VF Page

		<apex:selectList value="{!selectedCountry}" size="1">
		<apex:selectOptions value="{!countryOptions}"/>

 selectedCountry is a property of controller and countryOptions is above method in controller.

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks For the solution. This does not give a DropDownList. I need somthing like <select> in HTML.


No, it should give select dropdown. Anyways what does it give? I am 100% sure this will generate select dropdown. I think you are doing something wrong.


Thanks jaxdmaster,  it is working.