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SQL Syntax



I'm having trouble with the following code. I'm fairly new to development so please bare with me.


private String abcd; 

private List <WorkReason__c> wrReason;


abcd = "Example"


wrReason = [Select Name from WorkReason__c where Name = abcd];


i''m getting an error where Name = abcd. Are we not allowed to use a varaible in place of      'string value' ?


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

You are using databinding of a variable so you will need to add in this ":", so try this.


wrReason = [Select Name from WorkReason__c where Name =: abcd];

All Answers


You are using databinding of a variable so you will need to add in this ":", so try this.


wrReason = [Select Name from WorkReason__c where Name =: abcd];

This was selected as the best answer

Thank you birdofprey.




This syntax also works:


wrReason = [Select Name from WorkReason__c where Name = :abcd Limit 10000];