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Update Opportunity (field) when Contact (via ContactRole) meets declared criteria

Anyone know if this is even possible? I'm not looking for the Apex code, here (though would graciously accept anyone's generosity), but I just want to know if it is possible. I'm understanding that the ContactRole object doesn't allow triggers (!) so any help/update/hints would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you,






If you could explain in brief what exactly you want to achieve; we can try to find out a workaround ;)


Possible Objects Involved


 - Condition

    - Checkbox field named Sales_ready__c

       - Update Field



 - Condition

    - Checkbox field named  Sales_ready__c

Description of Functionality:

  1. If an Opportunity record has its Sales_ready__c checkbox field marked FALSE and
  2. a Contact that has its Sales_ready__c checkbox field marked TRUE is added to the Opportunity via the Contact Role then
  3. the related Opportunity’s Sales_ready__c checkbox field is marked TRUE.