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Manasa GuptaManasa Gupta 

Translation of Labels,fields and displaying them.



 I have a scenario :


I have 2 visualforce page.

In page one user entering all the Info, and one of the fields is Country which is a picklist.

I am populating picklist values reading from Account's country field.


This page has to be translated to Italian. For this in URL i have added lang=it.

When the page loads the picklist values are inItalian.


ON confirming on this page, i am going to a summary page where i jus list out all the values enter by the user.

Here Country field value is not coming in Italy though in the URL I am specifying it as lang = it.



Below is the code on how i am accepting the value from user on page 1:


<apex:outputLabel value="{!$Label.outLabel_country}" for="con"><span style="color:red;font-size:large;vertical-align:top;">*</span></apex:outputLabel>
<apex:selectList style="width: 180px" id="con" value="{!}" multiselect="false" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!ListCountry}"/>



below is the code on how i am displaying on page 2:


<apex:outputLabel value="{!$Label.outLabel_country} : " for="con"/>
<apex:outputText id="con" value="{!}"/>


I am not even reading any values from Database.


Please guide on how to handle this.