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Activity Parent-Child Relationship


Hi All,


I am working on the requirement of Parent-child Task hierarchical relationship.

Salesforce Activity Object does not support Lookup relationships to other object or addition of Self relationship.

Is there any way using custom field to implement multilevel parent-child activity relationship in SFDC.


Thank you Board.




Think you can’t do this as you have written sales force is not providing to create a lookup field on Activity Object.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 


You would have to use a custom object to hold the lookup value(s) and run triggers off that object to create new tasks assigned to the right people. Could that work?




Hi Marina,


If I could understand it correctly, you mean, create a custom object to maintain a Task reference and use task trigger to populate the reference. Please elaborate. Thanks.