function readOnly(count){ }
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throw new IllegalArgumentException('Strings must not be null');
How do i give the above java line in Apex
In the visualforce page add:
<apex:page ... ><apex:form id="f1"> <apex:pagemessages />.....</apex:form> </apex:page>
Then in the controller class, add:
ApexPages.Message msg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL, 'String must not be null');ApexPages.addMessage(msg);
This shoould be given in a apex class not in VF
You need to create an exception class for this, then you can throw your own custom exception.
In the visualforce page add:
Then in the controller class, add:
This shoould be given in a apex class not in VF
You need to create an exception class for this, then you can throw your own custom exception.