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Where condition not filtering data as expected.

Hi I am new to salesforce. my code is not giving any error but the where condition in query is not filtering data when I am adding second 'OR' clause in it. If I am not adding second OR clause the code is working in the expected way but moment I am adding any OR clause the query is not filtering any record it is just returning entire data.


trigger CloseLead2NEW on Contact (before update, before insert) {

List<Lead> lee=new List<Lead>();

Lead leeList;

Contact cc;

List<Lead> Updatelee=new List<Lead>();

if (Trigger.isUpdate||Trigger.isInsert)


 lee=[select id,TEB_ID__c,Citizenship_Number__c,Tax_Number__c from Lead where TEB_ID__c=:cc.TEB_ID__c OR Citizenship_Number__c=:cc.Citizenship_Number__c OR Tax_Number__c=:cc.Tax_Number__c ];

        for(Lead l:lee)

                             leeList= new Lead(,Status=l.Status);

update Updatelee;




Please hlep and Thanks.



I'm not sure why the filtering isn't working, but:


cc=Trigger.New[0]; --> this is not a good idea, if your trigger is ever used to process a bulk of contacts, it won't work. Have a look at this article :


Using a code block will enhance code readability !:)



I think I had a lot of data returned when one of my filter values was null.  If you have a lot of data with null in field1 and you say where field1 = :cc.field1 when in fact cc.field is null.