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Newbie Apex Question
Hello all,
I could use some general assistance with a simple bit of Apex code. Just so you know I am a newbie to, but not to web application programming (12 years but with Coldfusion and some Perl and am used to the MVC architecture), although I have not been exposed deeply to Java or C#.
So I am working on a simple controller that I'll use in a simple VF page. I'd just like to return the value and display it on the page but Im running into some syntax issues during compile. Here's my code so far:
Controller - mytest.cls
public with sharing class myTest { public class addNewFolder { String tmpFolderName = 'MyTestFolder'; String tmpObjectID = '22K22'; String tmpResult = 'Whoo-hoo!'; System.debug('XIX|' + tmpResult); return tmpResult; } }
Description Resource Path Location Type
Save error: expecting a right parentheses, found 'XIX|' mytest.cls /PREPROD/src/classes line 15 save problem
I believe that the piece of code that you are after is something like ...
All Answers
I believe that the piece of code that you are after is something like ...
Thanks - that seems to work!
Calling that method with VF:
I just want to display the value of addNewFolder to the page now. The error I am receiving is "Unknown property 'myTest.addNewFolder'".
Check my previous post, I've just update it.
That worked - thank you very much!