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Create ContentVersion with custom field for test method

I have custom fields on the ContentVersion object and I need to test querying ContentVersion based on these custom fields in my Apex test method.


I've tried creating a new ContentVersion in my test method:


ContentVersion contentVersionObj = newContentVersion();

contentVersionObj.ContentURL = '';

contentVersionObj.title = 'Google';

contentVersionObj.Enablement_Area__c = 'Acct Mgmt';

insert contentVersionObj;



However, when I try to test that, I got an error:


15:55:36.756 (756244000)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[136]|System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, You cannot set custom fields or tags on a document published into a personal library. Fields set: Enablement Area: []

15:55:36.757 (757794000)|FATAL_ERROR|System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, You cannot set custom fields or tags on a document published into a personal library. Fields set: Enablement Area: []



Ok, so based on the ContentVersion docs ( I need to assign a value to FirstPublishedLocationId in order to have the ContentVersion not be assigned to a personal library.


ContentWorkspace library = [SELECT id FROMContentWorkspace LIMIT 1];

ContentVersion contentVersionObj = newContentVersion();

contentVersionObj.ContentURL = '';

contentVersionObj.title = 'Google';

contentVersionObj.Enablement_Area__c = 'Acct Mgmt';

contentVersion.FirstPublishLocationId = library;

insert contentVersionObj;



Only, when I run that, I get another error:


Expression cannot be assigned



So, I guess I can't assign to the FirstPublishLocationId field...


Is there any way to create a ContentVersion object with a custom field in an Apex test method?


I'm doing this all in a sandbox and using the IDE if it matters.





I'd try changing this line:

contentVersion.FirstPublishLocationId = library;




contentVersion.FirstPublishLocationId =;


Thanks for the suggestion, BritishBoyinDC, but no go. I still get the same error



Expression cannot be assigned



Larry LeonidasLarry Leonidas

You need to first create a WorkSpaceDoc and insert, then you can insert the ContentVersion with FirstPublishLocation being the library id.

Arun KumarArun Kumar
Hi Mattatrenet, 
Give a try to below code:

        ContentVersion testContentInsert = new ContentVersion(); 
        testContentInsert.Title = ''; 
        testContentInsert.RecordTypeId = ContentRT.Id;
        testContentInsert.Account__c = acc.Id;
        testContentInsert.Opportunity__c = opp.Id;
        insert testContentInsert; 

        ContentVersion testContent = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion where Id = :testContentInsert.Id];

        ContentWorkspaceDoc newWorkspaceDoc = new ContentWorkspaceDoc();
        newWorkspaceDoc.ContentWorkspaceId = library.Id; 
        newWorkspaceDoc.ContentDocumentId = testContent.ContentDocumentId;
        insert newWorkspaceDoc;

It will automatically updated the Library on the ContentVersion record.