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Variable not available in different class.

I have two global classes. In the CreateAndModify class i have an execute functions which has a for loop which calls a processRecord method of my other class i.e CreateAndModifyProcessor. The problem is that there is a collection of list declared in my first class which i cannot access in the second class. Is there any way to do it and is it even a good ides to do it this way ?..


global class CreateAndModify implements
Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful{

global void execute(
        Database.BatchableContext BC,

        List<sObject> listObj){

            list <Account__c> inAcc = new list<Account__c>();
            for (sObject lo : listObj){

               insert inAcc; // The list object which i am modifying in the processRecord function has to be added to the database. So, is it

                                      // a good idea to add/populate the list in other function of other class


global class CreateAndModifyProcessor {
    global void processRecord(sObject listObj){
        Unprocessed_Agreement__c temp = (Unprocessed_Agreement__c)listObj;
        Account__c tempAcc = new Account__c();
        inAcc.add(tempAcc); // This line throws an error


my 2 cents: passing "inAcc" as an argument would help and,  I would suggest to take a look at this: