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Update the already produced record

I have to update the record if it is already in the system. I have an Object named 'Account' and its field 'Account ID'. The condition for updating the record is that for 'Account' the key is 'Account ID'. My question is:

1 : How can i assign the 'Account ID' key to the object 'Account'. I have an idea that i have to use map function here but how to use it i do not know. My understadning was that it should be something like

Map<Account_ID__c,Account__c> map1 = new Map<Account_ID__c,Account__c>(); //ITS AN ERROR !

So whats the right way to do it.

2 : How does mapping helps me in updating record. I mean i am sure it can be done without mapping the values so how (show with code) does it makes easy to update while using the map.


Thanks !




 How about Map<ID,Account__c> Ac = new Map<ID,Account__c>();