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After saving a task how to be redirected the view current task record ?

Hi team,

I am totally new in SFDC Development and I have a big issue .
The previous Developer in my company has gone and I don't manage to resolve the redirection myself.
I would be fully grateful if someone could correct this code.

The problem of my users is the following :

" When I create a New task ,I fill in the datas in the form and I click on the save button on New Event page , I would like to be redirected to the Current view task page (URL + task id)
instead of to be redirected to the Account page ."

I don't know anything about coding in Apex so I really need your help...

I have currently a Visualoforce page nammed : TaskRedirect with this code :

<apex:page standardController="Task" extensions="TaskRedirectController" action="{!redirect}">

It is display for a New Task, and below you will find the code of the Apex Class that is called, could you tell me what I should write to be redirect to the URL + Task_id after save??

public with sharing class TaskRedirectController {
    public final Task task;
    public User userData;
    public TaskRedirectController(ApexPages.StandardController redirectController)
        //get the current record
        userData = [SELECT Business_Group__c, Business_Unit__c, User_Division__c, User_Subdivision__c FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; 
    public PageReference redirect(){
        String what_id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('what_id');
        String who_id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('who_id');
        String Record_Type = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('RecordType');
        String task_Id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id');
        String accid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccountId');
       if(accid == null)
           accid ='';
       if(what_id == null)
           what_id = '';
       if (who_id == null)
           who_id = '';
       if (task_id == null)
           task_id = '';
 String str='/00T/e?retURL=%2F001%2Fo&nooverride=1&00N20000001kXCH='+replaceStr(userData.Business_Group__c)+'&00N20000001kXCL='+replaceStr(userData.Business_Unit__c)+'&00N20000001kXCR='+replaceStr(userData.User_Subdivision__c)+'&00N20000001kXCQ='+replaceStr(userData.User_Division__c)+'&what_id='+ what_id +'&who_id='+ who_id;      

        PageReference r= new PageReference(str);
        return r;
    public String replaceStr(String s){
        if(s==null) s='';
        return s.replace('&', '%26');
    public static testMethod void test()
        Task t = new Task();
        Apexpages.Standardcontroller stdController = new Apexpages.Standardcontroller(t);
        TaskRedirectController testClass = new TaskRedirectController(stdController);
        System.assert(testClass.redirect() != null);
        System.assert(testClass.replaceStr(null) != null);
        System.assert(testClass.replaceStr('&') == '%26');

Many thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Best Answer chosen by Ludivine



Change the code for your redirect method to this

public PageReference redirect(){
return new PageReference('/' + Task.Id); 


All Answers

Not sure whether I interpreted your question correctly or not but if you simply wanted to redirect your page to New created "Task" Detail page, them you can try this line of code

return new PageReference('/' + Task.Id);



Change the code for your redirect method to this

public PageReference redirect(){
return new PageReference('/' + Task.Id); 


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks a lot for your prompt replies, I think whe are not far :)


I think that I just need to include, the task Id after "Returl" in the String  so that when I click on save button on a New Task Page , I would be redirect to the current task record view instead of the home account page (001/o).


Do you know how I could include this parameter in the String ?


String str='/00T/e?retURL=%2F001%2Fo&nooverride=1&00N20000001kXCH='+replaceStr(userData.Business_Group__c)+'&00N20000001kXCL='+replaceStr(userData.Business_Unit__c)+'&00N20000001kXCR='+replaceStr(userData.User_Subdivision__c)+'&00N20000001kXCQ='+replaceStr(userData.User_Division__c)+'&what_id='+ what_id+'&who_id='+ who_id;      


Thanks again ;