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Updating an Object field with a New Value



Im new to APEX and could use a nudge here. Im trying to update a custom field with the Opportunity object and am getting the following error below. 


Visual Force Error: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object 




public with sharing class myTestClass{
	public MyCustomBuildObject__c build {get;set;}
	public String myWSXMLResult {get;set;}  
	public String getWSXMLResult() {

		build = ip_shared_updateMethods.getBuild('a1DV00000000jK4MAI');
		if(build.Opportunity__r.LiveLink_URL__c == null && build.Product_Group__r.Engineering_Engagement__c == 'Required')
			String tmpFolderName = build.Opportunity__r.Account.Name + ' - ' + build.Opportunity__r.Custom_Contract_Number__c;
			String wordCharPattern = '[^_A-Za-z0-9-\\s]';
			String LLWSResultPattern = '[0-9]{2,}';
			Pattern compiledWordCharPattern = pattern.compile(wordCharPattern);
			Matcher wordCharMatcher = compiledWordCharPattern.matcher(tmpFolderName);
			tmpFolderName = wordCharMatcher.replaceAll('');
			tmpFolderName = tmpFolderName.replaceAll('  ',' ');
			DSPA__c dsp = DSPA__c.getInstance();
			String tmpObjectID = dsp.DSPID__c;
			String myWSXMLResult = another_class.invokeWs(tmpFolderName,tmpObjectID);
			Boolean LLWSPatternMatched = pattern.matches(LLWSResultPattern,myWSXMLResult);
				/******Error occurs on line below******/
				build.Opportunity__r.LLURL__c = 'https://internalService/' + myWSXMLResult;
				update build;
		return myWSXMLResult;


This is where the error is pointing to..


/******Error occurs on line below******/
build.Opportunity__r.LLURL__c = 'https://internalService/' + myWSXMLResult;

Im sure this is an easy one, thanks ahead of time for the advice.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



Normally (System.LimitException: DML currently not allowed) this error occurs if you call the method in constructor.


You can't execute DML in the Constructor (or call a method that executes DML from a Constructor)


If this is the controller for a VF page, you can use the action parameter on the page to directly execute addcomment, and that is allowed I believe.

Calling this method in VF Page or Trigger?

All Answers




I think you can't assign value to build.Opportunity__r.LLURL__c. Only you can get the value.


Thanks @SFRaj - this is the solution that I came up with..


UPDATE: See next post


	Opportunity o = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity 
	                 WHERE Id = :build.Opportunity__c 
             		 LIMIT 1];	
	o.LiveLink_URL__c = 'https://internalService/' + myWSXMLResult;
	update o;


Ok - so the solution above turned out to not work. I had a data related issue, no opportunity was associated to the 'build'. Ive resolved that issue now, but am still unable to update the Opportunity record.


Now I am getting the following error:


System.LimitException: DML currently not allowed 


The error occurs on the "update o;" statement.



Anyone have a suggestion?


I am new to Apex too. I haven't worked with Opportunity object.

But why can't you try this?

	Opportunity o =  new Opportunity(Id = build.Opportunity__c);
	o.LiveLink_URL__c = 'https://internalService/' + myWSXMLResult;
	update o;

 This works with me in other standard objects like Contact, Account for me.


Hey @VKrish - thanks for the response. This gives me the same error, just FYI.


Is this class/method is called from a Oppertunity trigger? If so update is not allowed. Just changing the variable with desired value should do.




Normally (System.LimitException: DML currently not allowed) this error occurs if you call the method in constructor.


You can't execute DML in the Constructor (or call a method that executes DML from a Constructor)


If this is the controller for a VF page, you can use the action parameter on the page to directly execute addcomment, and that is allowed I believe.

Calling this method in VF Page or Trigger?

This was selected as the best answer

I ended up calling it from the action in a VF Page.  Thanks again @SFRaj!