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How to group by number field?
Hi All
I need to query the distinct value for a field, which is like "select xxx(number field) from yyy group by xxx(number field)." But system threw error as "field 'xxx' can not be grouped in a query call".
Is there any way to implement such distinct query for a number field?
AggregateResult[] groupedResults= [SELECT xxx, count(Id) FROM yyyy GROUP BY Ax__c];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
System.debug(' ID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' + Integer.valueOf(ar.get('xxx')));
set<Integer> s = new set<Integer>();
for(xxx a : [select xxx from yyyy where some condition]){
s.add(; //this set will hold only unique numbers
Thanks for your reply.
1#, I can not understand it clearly for the grouped field "Ax__c".
2#, yes, it is a good way, but there maybe thousands of records so it is better to query distinct with SOQL instead of apex. Is there other methods to implement it?
My records likes below,
ID, xxx
1, 20
2, 3
3, 20
4, 10
5, 10
6, 5
7, 3
8, 5
9, 20
I needs to query xxx fields like below:
Hi Kunlun,
You can alternatively try creating a new text field say zzz and can populate the same with the xxx field value in INSERT, UPDATE trigger for yy object. And then use this zzz field in group by clause. so the query could be something like this:
SELECT zzz from yy GROUP BY zzz
Hope that helps.
No, I think iterating your records and adding them to a set is the only option for numbers.
List<Integer> nums = new List<nums>();
AggregateResult[] groupedResults= [SELECT xxx, count(Id) FROM yyyy GROUP BY xxx];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
System.debug(' ID>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' + Integer.valueOf(ar.get('xxx')));
Sam, did you actually try that ? The documentation states nothing about it, but trying to group by a number field does give a malformed query exception.
this results to :
I tried on text field. It worked.
As you said, for Numeric field its not working... I tried creating a formula field of type text from the existing number field but it didn't worked for grouping.
So I believe only way is to use set to collect unique numbers list... or create another text field and create a Workflow rule to update the newly created text field to TEXT(Numberfield) so that you can group on this field instead of number field. Not sure why it is not supporting ... couldn't find any in documentation :(
2. Run below code, which will copy data from numberfield__c to numberfield_Text__c.
testobject__c[] DBUpdate;
DBUpdate = [SELECT id, numberfield__c, numberfield_Text__c FROM testobject__c];
for (testobject__c a : DBUpdate) {
a.numberfield_Text__c = string.valueOf(a.numberfield__c);
try {
update DBUpdate;
} catch(DmlException e) {
System.debug('An unexpected error has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
3. Run below SOQL:
SELECT numberfield_Text__c, count(id)
FROM testobject__c
group by numberfield_Text__c
having count(id) > 1