function readOnly(count){ }
Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
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  AggregateResult[] Ar = [Select sum(Field name ) total from contact ];

Double sum = 0;

if (Ar.size()>o){

String str = ' ' + Ar[0].get(''total);

sum = Double.valueof(str);


Can somone tell me why this total is using with sum(Fieldname)?? Similarly for Avg(fieldname) aver??


Thank you,



Its because of the alias you have given in the select statement. Alias is not mandatory


SOQL Query


  AggregateResult[] Ar = [Select sum(Field name ) total from contact ];


SOQL Query Syntax in case of Aggregate field


  AggregateResult[] Ar = [Select Aggregate field  [Alias Name]  from contact ];