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bharath kuamarbharath kuamar 

Apex Test class

Please help me with the test class for the below class,


global class Projectassignment{
 Public String paymentfrequency{get;set;}
 public String paymentModes{get;set;}
 public String Duration{get;set;}
 public Boolean isProjAssign {get; set;}
 private final Preference__c obj;
 Public String oppId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('opportunityId');
 public List<ProjectDetails> detailsList {get; set;}
 public Projectassignment(ApexPages.StandardController stdController)
        this.obj = (Preference__c)stdController.getRecord();
        isProjAssign = true;
      public class ProjectDetails
        public String Name {get; set;}
        public String id {get;set;}
        public Date StartDate{get;set;}
        public Date EndDate{get;set;}
        public String fieldOfficier{get;set;}
        public Boolean isAssign {get;set;}

public void getProjectCodes(){

    detailsList = new List<ProjectDetails>();
    String sOQL='Select id,Name,StartDate__c,EndDate__c from Project__c';
    for(SObject oSobject : Database.Query(sOQL))
      Project__c obj = (Project__c)oSobject;
      ProjectDetails Oproobj = new ProjectDetails();
      Oproobj.Name = obj.Name;
      Oproobj.isAssign = false;
   System.debug(sOQL + ' == sOQL');

public pagereference preferenceassign(){
 OpportunityContactRole oRole = [Select ContactId from OpportunityContactRole Where OpportunityId=:oppId];
   PageReference pageRef=New PageReference('/'+oRole.ContactId);
   List<Preference__c> preflst = new List<Preference__C>();
       for (ProjectDetails obj : detailsList){
             if (obj.isAssign)
             Preference__c pref = new Preference__c();
             //Integer DurationInt = Integer.valueof(this.Duration);
             //DurationInt =this.Duration;
             pref.Duration__c  = this.Duration;
             pref.Payment_Modes__c =this.paymentModes;
             pref.Payment_Frequency__c =this.paymentfrequency;
             pref.Opportunity__c = oppId;
           if ( preflst != null &&  preflst.size() > 0 ){
            insert preflst;
   return pageref;        

  public void updateopportunity(){
      Preference__c prefer= new Preference__c();
      prefer=[select id,name from Preference__c where Opportunity__c=:oppId];
      Opportunity lst = new Opportunity();
      lst=[select id, name,Preference__c from opportunity where id=:oppId];
      lst.Preference__c =;
  //obj.Id =;
      if ( lst!= null){
            update lst;


public void createcommitment(){
String str;
   List<commitment__c>lstcom = new List<commitment__c>();
   for (ProjectDetails obj : detailsList){
      Preference__c prefer= new Preference__c();
      prefer=[select id,name,Duration__c from Preference__c where Opportunity__c=:oppId];
      Commitment__c com=new Commitment__c();;
      com.Commitment_Type__c = 'Sponsor Project';
      com.Start_Date__c =;
      com.End_Date__c =;;
      com.Commitment_Details__c = 'Manual Assignment';
      com.Status__c = 'Assigned';
      // =obj.Name;
if ( lstcom != null &&  lstcom.size() > 0 )

            insert lstcom ;


public void generatePaymentSchedules(String PreferenceID){
   Integer calculateduration=0;
  Opportunity oppamt =[select OppAmount__c from opportunity where id=:oppId];
  Preference__c payPref = [select Payment_Frequency__c,Payment_Mode__c,Duration__c from preference__c where id=:PreferenceID];
                  Integer divisionRatio = 1;
                  Integer PayDurationInt = Integer.valueOf(payPref.Duration__c);
                  Integer scheduleDueDate = 0;
                   if (payPref.Payment_Frequency__c == 'Quarterly')
                      divisionRatio = 3;
                      scheduleDueDate = 3;
                    system.debug('<<<<<<<<<<<schedule date calculation>>>>>>>>>>');
                 if (payPref.Payment_Frequency__c == 'Half-Yearly')
                      divisionRatio = 6;
                      scheduleDueDate = 6;
                  if(payPref.Payment_Frequency__c =='Annually(Full Payment)')
                  calculateduration =1;
                  calculateduration =(PayDurationInt/divisionRatio);
                  List<Payment_Schedule__c> list_schedule = new List<Payment_Schedule__c>();
                 System.debug(divisionRatio + ' == paymentMode == ' + payPref.Payment_Mode__c);
                  Double scheduleAmt = oppamt.OppAmount__c/divisionRatio;
                   Integer temp =0;
                    for (Integer j = 0; j < calculateduration ; j++)
                        Payment_Schedule__c obj = new Payment_Schedule__c();
                        obj.opportunity__c =oppId  ;
                        obj.Amount__c = scheduleAmt;
                        obj.Payment_Start_Date__c =;
                        temp+= scheduleDueDate;
                  if (list_schedule.size() > 0)
                   insert list_schedule;


public void closedOpportunity(){
           Opportunity opp = [select id,StageName from opportunity where id=:oppId ];
           opp.StageName ='Closed Won';
           update opp;
         // EmailReportGen();
/*public void EmailReportGen()
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); 
        Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
        String[] toAddresses = new String[] {''};
        Blob b;
        Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r;
        email.setSubject('Child Assigned');
        email.setHtmlBody( 'Hi,<br/><br/> Commitment Details has attached for your reference  <br/><br/>Thank you,<br/>');
        PageReference attachPdf =  Page.PDFGenratorpage;
        String pageUrl=attachPdf.getUrl();
        Opportunity opp=[select Preference__c from opportunity where id =:oppId];
        pageUrl = pageUrl + '?id=' +opp.Preference__c;
        PageReference pdf = new Pagereference(pageUrl);
        b = pdf.getContentAsPdf();
        email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa});
        r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); 

     public pagereference cancelAction()
   PageReference pageRef=New PageReference('/'+oppId);
        return pageRef;