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Deleting ResordType ...
Can you tell me how can I remove record Type that I created ......?
When I deactivate that recordType an error is fired...
This record type ReleasedType cannot be deactivated because the following profiles use this record type as default.
profile 's are...
StandardPlatform User
Please help me as soon as possible..
Follow the below steps to delete the record type:
1) Go to the Profile "Profile Name"
2) There is a section called "Record Type Setting" on the profile, which is below the 'Tab Setting' section and above the 'Administrative Permission' section on the profile.
3) Find your custom object name in subsection "Custom Record Type Settings" of "Record Type Setting" section.
4) Click on "Edit" link in front of you custom object name and remove the record type from selected record type list on the profile.
5) Now select the Master record type from 'Available Record Types' to 'Selected Record Types' and click on save button
6) Perform same task for all the profile than you will be able to delete the record type of the object.
After performing these steps for these profiles. You can delete the record type
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