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custom sobject usage?


I have a doubt,Please help me out...

I have created one custom object and added it to some appications..if i want to know how many appications having visibilty off this object,what should i do....

Thanks in advance....




sObject visibility is regulared through profiles (and/or permissions sets)  which grant users access to your objects. If you go to a profile, you can access the object settings, where you can configure this.


heloo Sdry..


  tanks for the replay it is really helpful... 

when ever we go to Setup-->App setup-->Creatwe-->objects,we used to get list of objects .. in the same way i wanted to create a VF page showing all the objects and where they are used .. that menas 


Ex--> take an object student__c if it was using in different apps like collage, university ,...etc . then in VF page on the Soibject coloum student__c i want display the app names where the s object is added to it .. 


we select the visibility of s object in the creation of Sobject itself .. or else we can go for profiles and give accesses to the respective profiles .. if we need to add a respective tab in any app we can add the tab also .. but i need to get the app names where it was used . 



thanks in advance

