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Getting the object name ,and field of that object using ID
I want to get the Objectname by using The Id ="a0190000003LIVw"
and i want to get the field of that spefic object .
cn u please help me to get this
List<Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values();
Map<String,String> objectMap = new Map<String,String>();
for(Schema.SObjectType f : gd)
objectMap.put(f.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix(), f.getDescribe().getName()));
ID sampleId ="a0190000003LIVw";
String prefix = sampleId.split(0,3);
String objectName = objectMap.get(prefix);
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> desResult = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectName).getDescribe().Fields.getMap();
List<String> fieldList = new List<String>();
for(integer i =0;i<fieldList.size();i++)
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please go through this link....
I think ..Your problem will be solved ...
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For the getting the the object name
List<Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values();
Map<String,String> objectMap = new Map<String,String>();
for(Schema.SObjectType f : gd)
objectMap.put(,f.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix(), f.getDescribe().getName()));
ID sampleId ="a0190000003LIVw";
String prefix = sampleId.split(0,3);
String objectName = objectMap.get(prefix);
Similary you can get the fields of the object and then query it
Yaa I am getting the objectname but i want the fields of the object also how to query using the sobject
thanks for ur help'
Try this
For field .
For Query
RecordType rt = [SELECT Id,Name FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType='Account' LIMIT 1];
For more Information please refer this link.....
List<Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values();
Map<String,String> objectMap = new Map<String,String>();
for(Schema.SObjectType f : gd)
objectMap.put(f.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix(), f.getDescribe().getName()));
ID sampleId ="a0190000003LIVw";
String prefix = sampleId.split(0,3);
String objectName = objectMap.get(prefix);
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> desResult = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectName).getDescribe().Fields.getMap();
List<String> fieldList = new List<String>();
for(integer i =0;i<fieldList.size();i++)
hi am not able to get the fields of that object.
i m getting error in this line
Compile Error: unexpected token: ','
objectMap.put(,f.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix(), f.getDescribe().getName()));
Please help me to get the field of that object.......
thanks in advance
objectMap.put(,f.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix(), f.getDescribe().getName()));
comma is present after opening parenthesis. For getting field I've posted the code in previous reply
Yaa i have kep t like that only but still am getting error . in that line .please look into it
Compile Error: expecting a right parentheses, found ','
objectMap.put(,f.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix(), f.getDescribe().getName()));
My bad!!! Please remove the comma and try to save it
how can i write a query to display the cureent account record details.
By using the Sobject.
Cont from Previous
Below we're creating a Query
String Query = 'SELECT ';
for(integer i =0;i<fieldList.size();i++)
Query += fieldList.get(i) + ',';
Query = Query.subString(0,Query.length()-1);
Query += ' FROM ' + objectName;
Now to run Query use Database.Query
List<Account> listAccount = Database.Query(Query);
Note i've used List<Account> you can't define something like List<objectName>. So before running the Query determine the object type
If i want to retrive only one Record. not list.that to only the current record am getting all the Record
how can i do it