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assert equals not working

if i execute this code

ClientMenuController cmc = new ClientMenuController();
cmc.client_list = Factory.CreateClientList(10);
cmc.name_search_string = '8';
PageReference r = cmc.search_name();
integer actual = cmc.records_found;
integer expected = 1;
system.debug('==============>expected:' + expected);    
system.debug('==============>actual' + actual);


i get these debug messages





if i put the same code in the test method and call

System.assertEquals(expected, actual);

the test fails with

System Assert Exception Expected 1  Actual 0


i don't understand why the values in one of the variables is replaced by 0


thanks for any help you can give


ken tyler



do you have the annotation @isTest(seeAllData=true)? You may not be seeing all the data. It's a bit hard to help without knowing any of the code.