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standard controller actions are not working? what is the problm?
i have created a Vf page on account using standard controller,in that command button i have used save but the save(stndrd cntrlr action )is not working .i tried for custom objects also but it is not working.
i have tried the same code in some other dev edition it is working on that what is the problem.
Can any one tell me what is the problem...?
Try adding an <apex:pageMessages /> component to the page - that will show you if there are problems with the save.
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Can you post your markup? I would expect it to work across all dev editions.
it is working another edition but not in my edition
Try adding an <apex:pageMessages /> component to the page - that will show you if there are problems with the save.
Thanks bob,
i got the problem validation rules and triggers is the problem.
Thanks bob your post is useful to me,it helps me a lot .