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How to get current record values when we are working with triggers

I created one trigger on an object.

The trigger executes when we do any operations on an object.

I need to get the current record values.

How can i get the current record values or ID.....?




You can get the current record by context variable.


For Example:


Trigger test on Account (after insert) {
for (Account a : {
// Iterate over each sObject records that were inserted


// This single query finds every contact that is associated with any of the

// triggering accounts. Note that although is a collection of

// records, when used as a bind variable in a SOQL query, Apex automatically

// transforms the list of records into a list of corresponding Ids.

Contact[] cons = [SELECT LastName FROM Contact
WHERE AccountId IN];


You can get the current record Id by below:


Id id = Trigger,new[].Id;


If this helps you. Mark it as resolved


