function readOnly(count){ }
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Hi All,
I need to find out the string contains in set of string.Please give me some example.
You can use containsAll method of set only if you are comparing two sets equality.
use contains instead
set<string> mySet = new Set<String>{'abc', 'efg'};
system.debug('Test>>>> '+mySet.contains('abc'));
Can you please give an example on what you wanted to achieve?
i am trying to find the string from a set of string in apex.
like this
where sub2 is set<String>
but above statement gives an error
To do that you will have to loop through the set and use a flag to determine if any value was not matched in the string
Boolean noMatch = false;
For(String s : sub2){
noMatch = true;
if(noMatch = false){
//all values matched process here
Thanks Sam.
You can use containsAll method of set only if you are comparing two sets equality.
use contains instead
set<string> mySet = new Set<String>{'abc', 'efg'};
system.debug('Test>>>> '+mySet.contains('abc'));
All Answers
Can you please give an example on what you wanted to achieve?
i am trying to find the string from a set of string in apex.
like this
where sub2 is set<String>
but above statement gives an error
You can use containsAll method of set only if you are comparing two sets equality.
use contains instead
set<string> mySet = new Set<String>{'abc', 'efg'};
system.debug('Test>>>> '+mySet.contains('abc'));
To do that you will have to loop through the set and use a flag to determine if any value was not matched in the string
Boolean noMatch = false;
For(String s : sub2){
noMatch = true;
if(noMatch = false){
//all values matched process here
Thanks Sam.