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EmailAuthor link with attachment
I am trying to reproduce the EmailAuthor functionality to send an attachment of a custom object from a button without having to recode the entire email features. I added a button with some parameters and I am able to get all except the attachment itself.
I added a field to the custom object that is populated via integration when the server generates a PDF file and attaches it to the Sales Document (the custom object). I added the &doc_id= parameter with the Id from the field but I am not getting the attachment added to the email page. See code below:
Where {!SCRB_SalesOrder__c.Active_PDF_Attachment_ID__c} represent the text field populated with the attachment ID. This is the file that should be attached to the email when the button is pressed in the Sales Document (custom object). What am I doing wrong that I cannot get this file attached to the email????
Thank you