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Bulkifying Helper Class and Trigger
I was wondering if someone would be able to help me make this helper apex class and trigger more bulk friendly. I highlighted the lines that seem failing with the bulk load:
public class GooalAndActuals { public Opportunity opportunityNew { get;set; } Actual__c l_oActual; AL_Goal__c l_oTarget; public String getGoalType(String aOpportunityType){ if(aOpportunityType=='New Ad Sales') return 'NASR'; else if(aOpportunityType=='Acct. Mgmt. Renewal') return 'Renewal'; else if((aOpportunityType=='Acct. Mgmt. New Ad Only') || (aOpportunityType=='Acct. Mgmt. Late Renewal') || (aOpportunityType=='Acct. Mgmt. TER') || (aOpportunityType=='Acct. Mgmt. Supercede'))return 'Upsell'; else if(aOpportunityType=='Big Deal') return 'Big Deal'; else if(aOpportunityType=='Storefront') return 'Storefront'; else if(aOpportunityType=='HR / FS') return 'HR / FS'; else return ''; } public ID CreateGoal(Id OwnerID) { System.debug('****Goal Method Call*****'); ID GoalID; if(opportunityNew!=null) { String GoalType = getGoalType(opportunityNew.Type); if((GoalType=='Renewal') || (GoalType=='Upsell')) return null; System.debug('Goal Type:'+GoalType); System.debug('Select id From Goal__c Where Year_Month__c=:'+opportunityNew.CloseDate.Year()+'-'+opportunityNew.CloseDate.Month() + ' And Goal_Owner__c=:'+OwnerID); l_oTarget=null; for(AL_Goal__c l_oLoopTarget : [Select id, Year_Month__c, Goal_Owner__c,Goal_Type__c From AL_Goal__c Where Year_Month__c=:opportunityNew.CloseDate.Year()+'-'+opportunityNew.CloseDate.Month() And Goal_Owner__c=:OwnerID] ) { l_oTarget=l_oLoopTarget; break; } if(l_oTarget==null) { Date l_oNewTargetDate = Date.newInstance(opportunityNew.CloseDate.Year(), opportunityNew.CloseDate.Month(), 1); l_oTarget= new AL_Goal__c(); l_oTarget.Goal_Amount__c=0; l_oTarget.Goal_Date__c=l_oNewTargetDate; l_oTarget.Goal_Owner__c=OwnerID; l_oTarget.Goal_Type__c = GoalType; insert l_oTarget; } GoalID=l_oTarget.Id; } return GoalID; } public String getPaymentType() { String paymentType = null; if(opportunityNew!=null) { List<Recon_Detail__c> reconDetails = [Select id, Payment_Type__c From Recon_Detail__c Where Contract_Id__c=:opportunityNew.Contract_ID__c limit 1]; if (reconDetails.size() > 0) { paymentType = reconDetails[0].Payment_Type__c; } } return paymentType; } public void CreateActual(Id OwnderID,ID GoalID) { if((opportunityNew!=null) && (GoalID!= null)) { String getPaymentType = getPaymentType(); l_oActual = new Actual__c(); l_oActual.Opportunity__c=opportunityNew.Id; l_oActual.Opportunity_Amount__c=opportunityNew.Amount; l_oActual.AccountName__c=opportunityNew.AccountId; l_oActual.Goal__c=GoalID; l_oActual.Actual_Owner__c=OwnderID; l_oActual.Payment_Type__c=getPaymentType(); insert l_oActual; } } public void DeleteActual(Id OpportunityID) { if(opportunityNew!=null) { List<Actual__c> l_olstActual = [Select id From Actual__c Where Opportunity__c=:opportunityNew.Id]; delete l_olstActual; } } }
trigger CreateActualsAndTargets on Opportunity (after insert, after update) { if(Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isInsert) { Map<ID,Opportunity> l_OpportunityOwners = new Map<ID,Opportunity> ([Select id, Opportunity_Owner_Manager__c, Contract_ID__c,StageName,Amount,AccountId,CloseDate, o.OwnerId, Type From Opportunity o where id in:trigger.newMap.keySet()]); GooalAndActuals l_oGooalAndActuals = new GooalAndActuals (); for(Opportunity l_oOpportunityNew:l_OpportunityOwners.values()) { System.debug('********************Trigger Start***********************'); if(l_oOpportunityNew.StageName=='Closed/Won') { ID SalesRepGoalID,ManagerGoalID; //modified l_oGooalAndActuals = new GooalAndActuals (); l_oGooalAndActuals.opportunityNew=l_oOpportunityNew; //Goal Creation SalesRepGoalID=l_oGooalAndActuals.CreateGoal(l_oOpportunityNew.OwnerId);//SalesRep Goal Creation if(l_oOpportunityNew.Opportunity_Owner_Manager__c!= null) { ManagerGoalID=l_oGooalAndActuals.CreateGoal(l_oOpportunityNew.Opportunity_Owner_Manager__c);//Manager Goal Creation } //Actual Deletion if(Trigger.isUpdate) { l_oGooalAndActuals.DeleteActual(l_oOpportunityNew.Id); } //Actual Creation l_oGooalAndActuals.CreateActual(l_oOpportunityNew.OwnerId,SalesRepGoalID);//SalesRep Actual Creation if(l_oOpportunityNew.Opportunity_Owner_Manager__c!= null) { l_oGooalAndActuals.CreateActual(l_oOpportunityNew.Opportunity_Owner_Manager__c,ManagerGoalID);//Manager Actual Creation } } /* Start: Project * Author |Author-Email |Date |Comment * ----------------|------------------------|-----------|-------------------------------------------------- * Sakonent Admin | |02.16.2012 |Initial code * Purpose: It will remove Actual record(s) associated to Opportunity if Stage goes from 'Closed/Won' to some other stage. */ else if(Trigger.isUpdate) { if(Trigger.oldMap.get(l_oOpportunityNew.Id).StageName == 'Closed/Won' && l_oOpportunityNew.StageName != 'Closed/Won') { l_oGooalAndActuals = new GooalAndActuals (); l_oGooalAndActuals.opportunityNew=l_oOpportunityNew; l_oGooalAndActuals.DeleteActual(l_oOpportunityNew.Id); } } /*End: Project */ } } }
The issue is you're basically making SOQL calls from inside the loop in your trigger. You need to query ReconDetails once and hold the records in a Map, indexed by ContractId and then you can retrieve from the Map the appropriate record in getPaymentType.
You can either pre-query the ReconDetails and pass the map in as a parameter to getPaymentType or you can hold the map as a Static variable and access it.
Does this look better? The only problem is that I am now getting this error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: String at line 75 column 64 (line commented out)
Never mind, I'm stupid. I put Id, String in my map, it should have been String, String. I tested it manually and works fine.
Can anyone help me better bulkify this part of my method? Whenever I bulk test it, it fails on the line with SOQL for loop. Is there a better way I could write this so it's more bulk safe?
You should never have an insert statement in a loop. Create a new List before your for loop, then replace your insert with a mylist.add(l_oTarget). After your for-loop put in the insert (for extra credit you can check the list size > 0 to avoid trying to insert an empty list.
Thanks for your help! I put in the new logic but I'm still hitting the limits even with the insert outside of the loop. I'm wondering if I need to figure out a new way to evaluate if there is a goal already added. In our process, an opportunity is Closed/Won then two goals and two actuals could potentially be written (usually it will be the two actuals that will be written, one for the rep, one of the manager). I'm thinking it may be smart to maybe separate out the rep and manager creation of goals and actuals so it doesn't trip off the limits.