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Trigger based on Field Update

Hi All,


I am trying to work through creating a trigger that will create a new record in a different object, when a specific stage is reached. For example, when the Stage=signed and InternalApp=true on the Application__c object we want it to trigger the creation of a record on a different object.


Most of the triggers I see are creating records, on the insertion of another record. Can someone point me in the right direction for a trigger based off an update of another record?


Thanks for your help.



Jaffer Ali.Jaffer Ali.

Hello Alix,

Triggers can be fired on different event which includes insert , update , delete and undelete. For your case you need to make trigger on Update event.


Please see chapter on triggers from the link below.




trigger createnewhire on Application__c (after update) {   
List<Onboarding__c> newhire = new List<Onboarding__c>();

    for (Application__c newhire: Trigger.New)

         if (Application__c.Stage__c == 'Signed'){

                 newhire.add (new Onboarding__c(

                     Name = '',
                     Owner = ''));   

   insert newhire;


Can someone review the code above with what I am trying to do?