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Input Date value

Hi !


Can I know how to assign date (for example: some random date-- 24/01/1963) into a variable, in Apex.


Do we need to follow any date formats for this? 



Mohith Kumar ShrivastavaMohith Kumar Shrivastava
date x=date.newinstance(1963, 01,24);

 Use this .


Or if you are trying to use in test class use ..





Thanks Mohit.


My requirement was to assign sample date from test class and print in business class.


I've assigned a sample date to some date variable and sent the variable from test class and printed the date in Business class.


I could see the output. But only in year,month,day format. 


Also please let me know if I can print the date in other formats..


Thanks once again..

Mohith Kumar ShrivastavaMohith Kumar Shrivastava

How do you like the format to be .


Is it on visualforce Page you want the format?


No, Its not on the Visual Force page.


I am printing the outputs to log file using system.debug(). So, I want the outputs on the log file not on visual force page.

Mohith Kumar ShrivastavaMohith Kumar Shrivastava
datetime x=datetime.newinstance(1963, 01,24);

 You can use Date time and then this has a method to format .See the above code snippet


By format, I mean printing date in dd-mm-yyyy format or mm-dd-yyyy format etc..


Mohith Kumar ShrivastavaMohith Kumar Shrivastava

Yes same .You can modify the above code and format that accordingly.Please find more updates



datetime x=datetime.newinstance(1963, 01,24);



Hi ! Mohit.


Sorry for repeating the question. I will paste the code which is showing error. Please rectify the statement.


dob is variable which has date assigned from test method, which is 1960,01,20


If I print dob I get date without any errors. But only in yyyy-mm-dd format.


I've used your format function but I get the error.

"Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [Date].format(String) at line 31 column 49"


Statement : System.debug('Employees Date of Birth:'+dob.format('yyyy-mm-dd'));


Please tell me where I've went wrong..



Mohith Kumar ShrivastavaMohith Kumar Shrivastava

I have used DateTime as a Variable .Use DateTime as a Variable you will not have any exception.


If you want to use Date as Variable then you cannot use Date.format .Please see the code properly in my earlier post where i formatted .Thanks.


Also for logging purpose you may convert Date to DateTime .Use Datetime.valueOf(Date).Let me know if you need further help from me .