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Is there a small code example of using History's OldValue or NewValue in an APEX if statement?
I am running a SOQL against AccountHistory. I am then looping through the resultant list and testing to see if an OldValue equals something. I can't save the code and get an error:
Save error: Illegal assignment of SObject to string
Does anyone have a code snippet showing how to use OldValue, NewValue? I read where they are "Any Type" ...
Thanks in advance...
List<AccountHistory> ahlist = [Select Id, Field, NewValue, OldValue From AccountHistory];
for(AccountHistory ah:ahlist) {
if( (ah.OldValue != null) && (String.valueOf(ah.OldValue)).equals('string to filter') ) {
System.debug(' ---------------- ' + ah.Field + ah.NewValue + ah.OldValue);
All Answers
List<AccountHistory> ahlist = [Select Id, Field, NewValue, OldValue From AccountHistory];
for(AccountHistory ah:ahlist) {
if( (ah.OldValue != null) && (String.valueOf(ah.OldValue)).equals('string to filter') ) {
System.debug(' ---------------- ' + ah.Field + ah.NewValue + ah.OldValue);
Hope this helps and clears your doubt.
List<CaseHistory> lst = [Select field, oldValue, newValue from CaseHistory];
for(CaseHistory c : lst)
This gives illegal assignment from object to string
String old = c.oldValue;
String newVal = c.newValue;
String field = c.field;
// you need to convert them
// direct typecasting doesn't work because old value and new value can be any type and not all types are supported.
String old = String.valueOf(c.oldValue);
String newVal = String.valueOf(c.newValue);
String field = String.valueOf(c.field);
system.debug(' ##### The value on ' + field + ' has been changed from ' + old + ' to ' + newVal);
Thank you for responding. This works also.