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jake jjake j 

Dynamic Apex

HI EveryOne


I have a custom object  Position__c everyday new positions will add to the object .I have 6 users. i want to send the position details that are created recently (today) to all the users in a single can i achieve this.any help appreciated.


How to add my records data into email part in dynamic apex


can anyone help this scenario









If I understand you correctly, would this work?


1 - At midnight, a job runs that queries for all Position__c with createDate of yesterday.

2 - Result of query is an email to 6 users


You can do this with a scheduled SFDC report that runs daily and sends the report by email to a public group of the 6 users




You can use scheduled apex and run an apex job that sends an email when the job completes if result size is >= 1.  You can read about scheduled apex in the APEX develoepr's guide


Thnx For your Reply Crop

now i am doing this apex schedular with the help of  class but the thing is i need all my users should get  position records in single email..


Neeru -- 


are you using APEX Email Services - Outbound Email ?  You can easily send an email to multiple recipients using this service; you can format the outbound email body with a list of links to the Position records