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Blake Tanon
Trigger SOQL Limit on Recurring Tasks
I ran into this error for the first time today with the below trigger, it only happens when recurring tasks are created. Apex trigger ContactCallBulk caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: ContactCallBulk: System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101. Any ideas to make this trigger only run on non-recurring tasks or another fix?
I tried to add an if statement to run if IsRecurrence == FALSE and then not true but that didn't work.
trigger ContactCallBulk on Task (after insert, after update) { //Trigger works with bulk apex //Updates total number of calls on contact //Get current task Id for (Task{ if(tn.IsRecurrence <> TRUE){ System.debug('id is: '; System.debug('subject is: ' +tn.Subject); //Map contact related to WhoId Map<Id,Contact> parents = new Map<Id,Contact>([SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE id =:tn.whoid LIMIT 1]); if(<>null) for(Task{ if(t.Status == 'Completed'){ System.debug('id is: '; System.debug('subject is: ' +t.Subject); if(t.WhoId<>null) parents.put(t.WhoId,new Contact(id=t.WhoId)); }} if(Trigger.old<>null) for(Task t:Trigger.old){ if(t.Status == 'Completed'){ System.debug('id is: '; System.debug('subject is: ' +t.Subject); if(t.WhoId<>null) parents.put(t.WhoId,new Contact(id=t.WhoId)); }} update parents.values(); }} }
Try to avoid writing Soql quires in for loop
In ur case the below line of code write it out of the for loop
Map<Id,Contact> parents = new Map<Id,Contact>([SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE id =:tn.whoid LIMIT 1]);
How do I get the ID for the task if it's before the for and keep it working with bulk?
I don't see where you are updating any contact values so I am assuming a contact trigger fires based on the update. Anyway the below code does what you need it to do. I added some notes since I do not see why you are populating the Map with a query if you never use any getter methods. You can just instantiate the map and put the values in. I added a note to show you. It would accomplish the same thing since you are not using any get methods.